Gain insights in your society like never before

Our data tools provide your society with all the relevant insights to know who are interested which topics, when people are most active and other relevant data to sponsors.

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Say hello to
More engagement,
more data,
churn rates,
interests &

With better data and higher engagement, you can reach more sponsors and throw better events for your members.

Product screenshot
Reach members with notifactions that boosts engagement.
Member Management.
Kill the excel sheets, and experience workflows that work for you.
Tickets, Segments, and More.
Bring it all together with a single platform where everything is in sync.

Stay on top of your data

With accurate data and higher engagement, you have the best chances to reach more sponsors. That's what we can offer your society.

Unique visitors

Get insights on unique visitors to your events. Understand how many people are interested in your events and how many are returning visitors.

Tags and categories

Attach categories and tags to your events, posts, jobs and more. Learn what type of content are most popular based on members interests.

Deep knowlegde about members

Know exactly which study program or semester your members are enrolled in. This will help you tailor your events and content to your audience.

Ready to dive in?

Create your free society account now.